Our researchers have been teaching topics related to:
- economics of health and health care
- behavioral economics
- methods for causal inference, econometrics
- policy evaluation
- global health
Among others, we have been teaching the Health Economics & Policy module in the EMBA Health Care Managment program of the Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC) awarded 25 credits by the Fédération des Médecins Suisse (SIWF/ISFM).
Current courses taught by LCHE
- Executive MBA in Healthcare Management at the Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC), UNIL: Health Economics & Policy
- BSc in Economics at the Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC), UNIL: Economics of Health and Healthcare
- BSc in Medicine at the Faculty of Biology and Medicine (FBM), UNIL: Medical Practice Within a Health System
- MSc in Economics at the Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC), UNIL: Health Economics
- MSc in Applied Economics at the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Neuchâtel: Health Economics and Policy
- MSc in Economics at the Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC), UNIL: Economic Policy Seminar
- MSc/PhD in Public Health at Harvard Chan School of Public Health: Social Policy & Health in International Perspective
- PhD Program of the Swiss School of Public Health: Introduction to Health Economics
- CAS en Gouvernance des Systèmes de Santé at Unisanté: Organisation et Financement des Systèmes de Santé
- CAS en Santé publique at Unisanté: Politiques Publiques en Santé
- Summer School at UNIL: Health Equity in Chaotic times: Old Realities, New Challenges
Leadership of continuing education, graduate and summer schools
- MAS en Sciences et Organisation de la Santé, Academic director
- Doctoral Programme in Health Economics and Policy of the Swiss Society of Health Economics, Academic Director
- Inter-University Graduate Campus, Swiss School of Public Health, SSPH+, Co-lead of the Campus