We work with policy-makers
We work intensely with policy agencies on research questions and data collection. We have written numerous policy reports based on policy mandates with the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, the Cantonal Office of Public Health in Vaud, the Swiss Health Observatory (OBSAN), health insurers, and university hospitals such as the University Hospital Geneva (HUG).
Our work has been cited in summary policy reports by the World Health Organization, the Lancet Commission on Vaccine Refusal, Acceptance, and Demand in the USA, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and the World Bank. We have discussed the implications of our research with the Dutch, Swiss, and Spanish governments and have taken part in policy task forces.
Examples of policy reports and task forces
- Socioeconomic gradient in access to care. Policy report for the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health.
- Health of the elderly population in Switzerland. Policy report for the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health.
- Health and care trajectories of asylum seekers. Policy report for the Canton of Vaud.
- Scientific membership in the Canton of Vaud COVID-19 task force.
Press coverage
Our work has been featured in news outlets such as:
BBC World News, Washington Post, The Economist, BBC Radio, The Times, Chicago Booth Review, Marginal Revolution, Swiss Radio and Television incl. 19h30 (German, French, Italian), Swedish National Radio and Television, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Le Temps, 24 heures, Tribune de Genève